
Ollie Bell


"Fred is the eldest of my two boys. I named the business after my son because I want to leave a world for my boys free from the barriers that my father and my grandfather lived in. For generations we have lived in a world where the expression of emotion or feeling was considered a weakness. Weaknesses were not accepted and those who were ill would be criticised, belittled, and excluded. I want to change this and create a better world for my boys.

I've worked in People Services and Workplace Wellbeing and seen the huge impact that small changes can make. I also have a PhD in Men's Health and Behaviour Change which positions me as an expert in knowing how to make the changes needed in businesses across the country.

I want to make these changes with businesses who share the same values as I do. If you want to work together to make the world a better place, please contact us. "

Our history

Our wellbeing initiatives have been created utilising over a decade’s worth of experience and a multitude of successful case studies from football clubs to tech companies to academic institutions.

We believe in a hands-on, on the ground approach and actively ensure our services remain relevant, useful and tailored to your specific and changing business needs. Together we can boost your business by creating a workplace that’s happier, healthier and more robust.

Get in touch

Managing people doesn't need to be an uphill battle

With the right wellbeing strategy embedded within your business you’ll have a happier and safer workplace. Happy teams mean higher productivity, increased profits, low turnover, fewer absences and a company that attracts high calibre employees.
Let us take the guesswork out of wellbeing, so you can crack on what you do best - running a business.

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